
IPA: ɫˈigʌɫɪzʌm


  • Focusing on the text of written law to the exclusion of the intent of law, elevating strict adherence to law over justice, mercy, grace and common sense.
  • (religion) A belief that salvation is attained or maintained by adherence to the requirements of moral law; salvation by works rather than by faith alone.
  • A legal axiom, term or rule.
  • A school of thought, originating in ancient China during the Warring States period and officially adopted during the Qin dynasty, advocating rule of law as key to ensuring social stability.
  • (Chinese philosophy) Alternative letter-case form of Legalism [A school of thought, originating in ancient China during the Warring States period and officially adopted during the Qin dynasty, advocating rule of law as key to ensuring social stability.]

Examples of "legalism" in Sentences

  • Gays hate Jesus because of fake "christia" n religious legalism, which is not
  • I think the debate about legalism is a bogus smoke screen begun by Satan himself.
  • All of these uses of the word legalism demonstrate common misunderstandings of this concept.
  • Another definition of legalism is substituting man-made rules and laws for those written in the Bible.
  • One definition of legalism is believing that good works, including dressing modestly, will earn salvation.
  • And it is to the genius of Israel that we owe that rigorously logical interpretation of the _axiomata media_ of legalism, which issued in due season in
  • Special bonus opaque legalism, which is noted in the question posed below: Some courts in New England states use the phrase “ppa” in case captions; this means “per prochein ami,” or “by next friend.”
  • I've also been called a legalist and accused of thinking myself better than others (the true definition of legalism is believing that I must do certain things in order to be/stayed saved - which I don't, and wearing dresses wouldn't be one of those things!).

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