IPA: ɫˈɛmʌnˈeɪd
- (US, Canada) A flavoured beverage consisting of water, lemon, and sweetener, sometimes ice, served mainly as a refreshment.
- (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A clear, usually carbonated, beverage made from lemon or artificial lemon flavouring, water, and sugar.
- (slang, derogatory) Recreational drugs of poor or weak quality, especially heroin.
Examples of "lemonade" in Sentences
- Not Sprite, which they call lemonade here, but REAL lemonade.
- He's good at making lemonade from a bitter helping of lemons.
- Straight down and no lemonade is served there, despite the heat.
- That said, upgrading a bought and paid for Vista OS is simply making lemonade from a lemon, soter speak.
- Yesterday I made it through work without a problem; the lemonade is more satisfying than I would have thought.
- I like busch light. but lemonade is good too! ya know you take a sour situation and make something good out of it. a great idea.
- The new campaign by Dems, which smacks of an effort to make lemons into lemonade, is another measure of the massive disadvantage Dems face in the uncharted post-Citizens United world.
- Originally a corruption of the English word "lemonade," Ramune was a favorite of sailors in the Imperial Navy during World War II, and is closely associated with summer festivals today.