IPA: ɫɛntˈɪkjʌɫɝ
- Ellipsis of lenticular image. [A picture made using lenticular printing where different images appear from different viewing angles.]
- Ellipsis of lenticular galaxy. [(astronomy) A galaxy that, like spiral galaxies, has a flat disk, but unlike them has lost most of its interstellar matter and therefore has no spirals; considered a transitional form between spirals and elliptical galaxies.]
- Of or pertaining to a lens.
- Shaped like a biconvex lens.
- Relating to a lenticular image.
Examples of "lenticular" in Sentences
- Another name of this technology is called lenticular lenses tech.
- And, in this particular case, we were caught in what's called a lenticular cloud, which may have been what Quinn was in as well.
- These so-called lenticular screens are easy to produce, and have even shown up on Sharp laptop PCs and cell phones sold in Japan.
- Similarly, the shape of the putamen and globus pallidus resembles a lens, and they are collectively called the lenticular nucleus.
- Using "lenticular" technology, the separate left and right eye images are interlaced on a furrowed surface to create the stereoscopic illusion.
- The portion of the males found engaged in the body of our queens, hitherto called the lenticular substance, may be denominated a penis both from its position and use.
- In places, this later tissue, especially in early life, is collected into little masses, which to a certain extent resemble the solitary nodules of the intestine, and are termed the lenticular glands of the stomach.
- In an adjacent exhibition room, a row of 65-inch flat screens runs 3D animated films of flowers and plants that visitors can view without special glasses because the screens have been engineered to display something known as lenticular imaging.