IPA: ɫˈɛpɝ
- A person who has leprosy, a person suffering from Hansen's disease.
- (figurative) Synonym of outcast: A person who is shunned, a pariah.
- (now rare) To afflict with leprosy.
- (figurative, now rare) Synonym of infect.
- (figurative, now rare) Synonym of disfigure.
- (figurative, now rare) Synonym of taint.
- (figurative, now rare) Synonym of ostracize.
Examples of "leper" in Sentences
- Board of Health, and the leper is ordered straight to Molokai.
- In the first place, the leper is not torn ruthlessly from his family.
- Today, the term leper is often used to refer to a person excluded from society.
- Nor, after having been declared a leper, is the patient immediately rushed off to Molokai.
- Such a leper is a lonely outcast, living in constant fear of discovery and slowly and surely rotting away.
- But only making the country worse for another 4-8 years and turning your candidate into political leper is not the way to do it. sheep
- On the other hand, if that same leper is in Molokai, the surgeon will operate upon the foot, remove the ulcer, cleanse the bone, and put a complete stop to that particular ravage of the disease.
- If the leper is in hiding, he cannot be operated upon, the necrosis will continue to eat its way up the bone of the leg, and in a brief and horrible time that leper will die of gangrene or some other terrible complication.