IPA: ɫɪbɝtˈɛriʌn
- One who advocates liberty, either generally or in relation to a specific issue.
- (chiefly US) A believer in right-libertarianism, a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy (‘free market’) and in personal behavior where no one’s rights are being violated or threatened.
- (chiefly UK, Ireland) A left-libertarian, an antiauthoritarian believer in both individual freedom and social justice (social equality and mutual aid).
- (philosophy) A believer in the freedom of thinking beings to choose their own destiny, i.e. a believer in free will as opposed to those who believe the future is predetermined.
- (politics) A member of a political party or movement that uses the term "Libertarian" in its name (e.g., the Libertarian Party of the United States); one who is likely to support policies that are libertarian.
- Having the beliefs of libertarians; having a relative tendency towards liberty.
- (dated) Relating to liberty, or to the doctrine of free will, as opposed to the doctrine of necessity.
- (politics) Of, or pertaining to, a Libertarian Party.
Examples of "libertarian" in Sentences
- The libertarian candidate advocated for less government intervention in the economy
- Many libertarians believe in individual freedoms and limited government control
- Libertarian principles focus on personal responsibility and voluntary cooperation
- The libertarian party promotes free markets and civil liberties as core values
- Some critics argue that libertarian ideals can lead to income inequality and social injustice