IPA: ɫˈaɪk
- (chiefly in the plural) Something that a person likes (prefers).
- (Internet) An individual vote showing support for, approval of, or enjoyment of, something posted on the Internet.
- (sometimes as the likes of) Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object; a comparative; a type; a sort.
- (golf) The stroke that equalizes the number of strokes played by the opposing player or side.
- A surname.
- To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.
- (transitive, archaic) To please.
- (obsolete) To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something.
- To prefer and maintain (an action) as a regular habit or activity.
- (obsolete) To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).
- (archaic) To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly.
- To find attractive; to prefer the company of; to have mild romantic feelings for.
- (obsolete) To liken; to compare.
- (Internet, transitive) To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote.
- (with 'would' and in certain other phrases) To want, desire. See also would like.
- Of inanimate objects:
- (informal, personification) To be prone to.
- (informal, chiefly in the negative) Of a computer or other system: to tolerate as an input; to accept.
- (chiefly dialectal, intransitive) To be likely.
- Similar.
- (archaic or Scotland, Southern US) Likely; probable.
- (Scotland, Southern US, otherwise archaic, usually with to) inclined (to), prone (to).
- (obsolete, colloquial) Likely.
- (archaic or rare) In a like or similar manner.
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