IPA: ɫˈɪŋgɝ
- A surname.
- (intransitive) To stay or remain in a place or situation, especially as if unwilling to depart or not easily able to do so.
- (intransitive) To remain alive or existent although still proceeding toward death or extinction; to die gradually.
- (intransitive, often followed by on) To consider or contemplate for a period of time; to engage in analytic thinking or discussion.
Examples of "linger" in Sentences
- The sweet scent of wildflowers made her pause and linger in the meadow
- The taste of the delicious dessert made him want to linger at the dinner table
- Memories of their time together would always linger in her heart
- The sun began to set, casting a warm glow that made them want to linger on the beach a little longer
- The feeling of sadness seemed to linger in the air after they said their goodbyes