
IPA: ɫˈɪŋgwʌ


  • (anatomy) Synonym of tongue.
  • (entomology) A median process of the labium, at the underside of the mouth in insects, and serving as a tongue.

Examples of "lingua" in Sentences

  • The Italian medieval poet Dante was the first to have recorded the term lingua d'oc.
  • Whatever audience they target, they speak a lingua franca of anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-American hatred-all in the name of Allah.
  • If you do have bad breath and you believe the culprit is a dark or hairy tongue, you could have condition known as lingua villosa nigra.
  • Whatever audience they target, they speak a lingua franca of anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-American hatred racists such as al-Mansour constitute a significant proportion of these hate mongers?
  • Hoc cognoscentes, ponebant custodiam ori suo, ut non delinquerent in lingua sua; ideoque concaluit cor earum intra eas, et 'in meditacione earum exarsit ignis (Ps. XXXVIII, 4) ille Dominus Deus noster, consumens omnem rubiginem uiciorum.
  • While he leans decidedly toward the descriptivist camp, he believes experts ought to acknowledge the public's need for guidance on how to speak and write standard English -- that is, the lingua franca of official, public and commercial life in the English-speaking world.

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