
IPA: ɫˈɔrd


  • (obsolete) The master of the servants of a household; (historical) the master of a feudal manor
  • (archaic) The male head of a household, a father or husband.
  • (archaic) The owner of a house, piece of land, or other possession
  • One possessing similar mastery over others; (historical) any feudal superior generally; any nobleman or aristocrat; any chief, prince, or sovereign ruler; in Scotland, a male member of the lowest rank of nobility (the equivalent rank in England is baron)
  • (historical) A feudal tenant holding his manor directly of the king
  • A peer of the realm, particularly a temporal one
  • (obsolete, uncommon) A baron or lesser nobleman, as opposed to greater ones
  • One possessing similar mastery in figurative senses (esp. as lord of ~)
  • A magnate of a trade or profession.
  • (astrology) The heavenly body considered to possess a dominant influence over an event, time, etc.
  • (Britain, slang, obsolete) A hunchback.
  • (Britain, Australia, via Cockney rhyming slang, obsolete) Sixpence.
  • The Abrahamic deity of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths.
  • (Judaism, Islam) The God of Abraham and the Jewish scriptures.
  • (Christianity) God the Father; the Godhead.
  • (Christianity) Jesus Christ, God the Son.
  • (religion) Any other deity particularly important to a religion or a worshipper.
  • An English surname transferred from the nickname, originally a nickname for someone who either acted as if he were a lord or had worked in a lord's household.
  • A formal title of the lesser British nobility, used for a lord of the manor or Lord Proprietor.
  • A generic title used in reference to any peer of the British nobility or any peer below the dignity of duke and (as a courtesy title) for the younger sons of dukes and marquesses (see usage note).
  • Similar formal and generic titles in other countries.
  • An additional title added to denote the dignity of certain high officials, such as the "Lord Mayors" of major cities in the British Commonwealth
  • The elected president of a festival.
  • (Wicca) A high priest.
  • Typographical variant of Lord, particularly in English translations of the Bible.


  • (intransitive and transitive) Domineer or act like a lord.
  • (transitive) To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord; to grant the title of lord.

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