IPA: ɫˈʌvbɝd
- Any small parrot from one of the nine species within the genus Agapornis. Sometimes they are kept as cage birds and are noted for their affection towards each other.
- (figurative, usually in the plural) One of the members of an openly affectionate couple.
- (intransitive) To express romantic affection openly.
Examples of "lovebird" in Sentences
- The lovebirds chirped happily as they preened each other's feathers
- My grandmother has a pair of lovebirds that have been inseparable for years
- It's a common sight to see lovebirds cuddling and nuzzling each other in their cage
- The lovebirds' bright plumage and playful behavior always bring a smile to my face
- I couldn't help but admire the lovebirds' strong bond and affection for each other