
IPA: mækʌdˈeɪmiz


  • To cover, as a road, or street, with small, broken stones, so as to form a smooth, hard, convex surface.

Examples of "macadamize" in Sentences

  • Buncombe has purchased a complete outfit of machinery, and has begun to macadamize.
  • A bill to incorporate a company to repair and macadamize the Beverley and Morgantown road.
  • They exerted great influence in inducing communities to macadamize roads, for which the passing of the stage-coach and the spread of railroads had diminished the demand.
  • The ODA Loan from China was used to macadamize the “corruption highway” engineered by trusted VIP i.e. voracious and inept people and supported by the Chinese in exchanged for bigger concession in Spratley Islands.
  • The general plan adopted, and which has been adhered to, was to start at the city limits of the county-seat and to grade and macadamize all of the important public roads from this point out toward the township and the county limits.
  • But the trustees wanting to macadamize the miserably pitched street of the town, he bethought him of dust in summer and mud in winter, and drew up a long memorial to the lords of the soil, remonstrating with them on their impolitic conduct; but all in vain.
  • WALLACE presented the petition of citizens of Preston and Monongalia counties, asking the incorporation of a joint stock company to repair and macadamize the Morgantown and Beverley turnpike road; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation.
  • WALLACE presented the petition of citizens of Preston, Barbour and Monongalia counties, asking the incorporation of a joint stock company to repair and macadamize the Morgantown and Beverley turnpike road; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation.
  • Historians loudly condemn the royal and noble thieves who plundered the Coliseum and the Pantheon to build palaces, yet there are men in our times, who would, if they could, take Dr. Johnson's hint to pound St. Paul's Church into atoms, and with it macadamize their roads; or fetch it away by piecemeal to build bridges with its stones, and saw up its marble monuments into chimneypieces.

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