IPA: mækɝˈɑnɪk
- (literature) A work of macaronic character.
- (linguistic morphology) A word consisting of a mix of words of two or more languages.
- Such a word that mixes Latin morphemes with non-Latin ones.
- (archaic) Jumbled, mixed.
- (literature) Written in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages.
- (dated) Like a macaroni or dandy; foppish, trifling, affected.
Examples of "macaronic" in Sentences
- The concept of a macaronic verse was new for me as well as for Matt.
- It was what is called a macaronic poempart English, part Latinand was an elegy on the death of somebody or other.
- Vittorio Vettori (d. 1763), and Folengo, the first of the so-called macaronic writers; the jurist Piacentino (twelfth century),
- I cannot express in words how disspointed I was to find that “macaronic” did not refer to poetry sung to the tune of “Macarena”
- If the macaronic inclusion of ecclesiastical Latin is too sober for your holiday, you can always set the Wayback Machine to last year's wassails.
- Richard, if you wish to post my macaronic exercise, I have no objections whatsoever, with an understanding that I have no claim of its being a good poetry.
- Parceque librum non a rendu "is the kind of macaronic French and Latin which schoolboys are accustomed to write under a sketch of the borrower expiating his offences on the gallows.
- In the course of the conversation one of the PT crew composed a two-stanza poem in macaronic style, in which the lines of the poem are in different languages but the meter and rhyme scheme are preserved through the language shifts.