IPA: mækʌdˈɔɪn
- A mixture of diced vegetables or fruit served as a salad.
- (figurative) A medley or mixture.
Examples of "macedoine" in Sentences
- Haidt, of course, doesn't stop at making a macedoine of disgust and morality.
- Cook a macedoine of vegetables separately, and garnish each fillet with some of it, then cook them in a covered stewpan
- Two basic mixtures appear here for the first time: a chiffonnade, printed or perhaps misprinted as chifouade, and a macedoine.
- The macedoine à la Paysanne is composed of peas, broad fava beans, green beans diced to the size of a pea, and carrot slices, the whole being cooked in butter.26
- Lemesurier not only gives the original prophecies in Nostradamus' original argot Occitan French with a macedoine of other vocabulary, but a complete concordance to them.
- In spite of our own common sense and all rational evidence to the contrary, we seem to buy unquestioningly into any old macedoine-mashup of dopey, absurd stuff, just because it's on the Internet, and we won't believe the most obvious and verifiable truths from something as vetted and cross-checked as a real encyclopedia.