IPA: mæʃʌneɪtɝ
- One who machinates, or forms a scheme with evil designs; a plotter or artful schemer.
Examples of "machinator" in Sentences
- I cannot tell whether that slender, silken machinator, Captain
- You stand there silent, but you are the machinator of this plot.
- H-B clearly says that their machinator does NOT like to be called God.
- I cannot tell whether that slender, silken machinator, Captain Lake, loitered in the chapel for the purpose of talking to or avoiding Jos.
- Martyr, doubtless at Rome; and when Crescens, the cynic, succeeded in bringing about his master's death, Tatian's life also was imperilled by the plots of this machinator.
- Fully alive now to the time-killing purpose of the clever little machinator in arranging to have spent batteries given him, Blount, nevertheless, did his duty like a man, and the pair made a late descent upon the Gordon dinner-table.
- | Reply | Permalink if this was all reversed and we were talking about the Clinton Campaign doing this to Obama and then her later disavowing knowledge of it and calling her staff to the floor -- we'd be hearing the old flip-flopper, ruthless machinator, opportunist, smear-artist, fibulator
- Since then, he hath become an active and earnest agitator, a murmurer, and a machinator, and a leader amongst those who impugn our authority; not considering that the rule is given to the Master even by the symbol of the staff and the rod — the staff to support the infirmities of the weak — the rod to correct the faults of delinquents. —
- Since then, he hath become an active and earnest agitator, a murmurer, and a machinator, and a leader amongst those who impugn our authority; not considering that the rule is given to the Master even by the symbol of the staff and the rod --- the staff to support the infirmities of the weak --- the rod to correct the faults of delinquents.
- I am not a Hillary supporter, but if this was all reversed and we were talking about the Clinton Campaign doing this to Obama and then her later disavowing knowledge of it and calling her staff to the floor -- we'd be hearing the old flip-flopper, ruthless machinator, opportunist, smear-artist, fibulator -- especially in light of the experienced Democratic campaigner's email referenced above.