
IPA: mˈækrʌskˈɑpɪk


  • Visible to the unassisted eye.
  • (physics) Having an appreciable mass.

Examples of "macroscopic" in Sentences

  • Whenever you (approximately) say that the entropy is "macroscopic"
  • Maxwell equations, which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter).
  • SBY showed his capacities as a leader that oversee problems in macroscopic way, but he failed to show comprehension to solve the micro issues.
  • The associated de Broglie wavelength of a probing particle rather than the "macroscopic" wavelength defines the minimum object size that can be resolved.
  • By means of this concept he was able to write down modified [[Maxwell equations]], which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter).
  • "This study shows that theory developed for the 'macroscopic' world applies equally to the microscopic one," said Sam Scheiner, program director in NSF's Division of Environmental Biology, which co-funds the EID program with NSF's
  • Even more generally, one could ask whether the results of decoherence could thus be used to explain the emergence of the entire classicality of the everyday world, i.e., to explain both kinematical features such as macroscopic localisation and dynamical features such as approximately Newtonian or Brownian trajectories, whenever they happen to be phenomenologically adequate descriptions.

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