
IPA: mˈækrʌskˈɑpɪkɫi


  • In a macroscopic manner or context

Examples of "macroscopically" in Sentences

  • The entropy of a system never decreases "macroscopically", at least not "systematically" for long periods of time.
  • For the public bath building the stone types of a section of the mosaic floor of Frigidarium I were determined macroscopically.
  • For that people had to develop a new branch of physics called statistical mechanics, which deals with macroscopically large systems.
  • A macroscopically indeterministic process is one in which microstates starting in the same initial macrostate end up in different final macrostates.
  • The point of libertarianism is to be extremely doubtful that we could do any sort of social engineering macroscopically, given our present state of knowledge.
  • Because of that, we see macroscopically as a function of the microscopic, yet can only contextualize the micro in terms of the macro, so these two are inseparable in any meaningful way.
  • The most common group together sets of microstates that match criteria such as being macroscopically or observationally indistinguishable or are accessible over time to the microstate evolution.
  • Considerable research has been conducted on species impacts to vertebrates, being macroscopically observable in the landscape, and on flora, since they are somewhat stationary whilst being analyzed.
  • It's only when we look from afar ( "macroscopically") that it makes sense to think of the mixture as being purple; when we peer closely at the sand ( "microscopically") we see individual blue and red grains.
  • After attempting a justification of probabilities being proportional to phase space volume, he argued that even the average of the Boltzmann entropy can decrease for macroscopically indeterministic processes.

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