
IPA: mˈædʌnɪŋ


  • Causing frustration or anger.
  • Leading to insanity.

Examples of "maddening" in Sentences

  • The world was steeped in maddening loveliness of sound and colour.
  • Let it suffice that many of my pain - maddening waking hours were devoted to dreams of vengeance on Cecil
  • Let it suffice that many of my pain - maddening waking hours were devoted to dreams of vengeance on Cecil Winwood.
  • And how maddening is it that he just keeps saying that Iraq is the central front in the war on terror, without realizing that's his fault.
  • Next eight capeadores, whose duty consists in maddening the bull and urging it to fight by flinging gay-colored capas or capes in its face.
  • What's maddening is that with all of our technology a lot of the paperwork side of this SHOULD BE instant (speed of the internet and all of that).
  • Aunt Olivia's kitten, a fat, bewhiskered creature, looking as if it were cut out of black velvet, shared our vigil and purred in maddening peace of mind.
  • These base Scots, ever fertile in maddening suggestions, have made me even suspect that Bruce had other reasons for his apparently generous risk of himself; than a love of justice.
  • Although far, far more maddening is when they do things like, I'm ten feet from the wall and they know I'm five times faster if they can, you know, SEE ME AT ALL, and they'll push off instead of letting me do my flip turn and move ahead of them.

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