IPA: mˈædʒɪkʌɫi
- In a magical manner; by magic, or as if by magic.
Examples of "magically" in Sentences
- {T_THEME_PATH} which magically translates to/defaultstylename/when uploaded ...
- Which appears magically from a dumbwaiter from the Lower Caverns where all the slutty kitchen women live.
- And, no, just because most people seem to be confused about it doesn't make the wrong term magically correct.
- So I found it a little strange seeing her name magically appearing along with a cute flirtatious message on his board out of nowhere.
- Then Rauf and his wife, Daisy Kahn, went on a PR binge, and the name magically changed overnight into one worthy of a top ad agency campaign: Park51.
- "Where?" cried I, looking all round me in the surprise of the moment, as if I had expected to see the title magically inscribed for us on the walls of the room.
- She was even madder than I thought she'd be and got so disgusted that I knew what was coming next but the call magically dropped right as she saying to "Kill the ....."
- Stacey D'Erasmo on The Road Home by Rose Tremain: She proves herself again magically capable of animating a character from the inside out, illuminating the heart of one modern exile with an extraordinary degree of love, imagination and insight.
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