IPA: mˈædʒʌstreɪt
- (law) A judicial officer with limited authority to administer and enforce the law. A magistrate's court may have jurisdiction in civil or criminal cases, or both.
- (historical) A high official of the state or a municipality in ancient Greece or Rome.
- (historical, by extension) A comparable official in medieval or modern institutions.
- (Quebec) A master's degree.
Examples of "magistrate" in Sentences
- In this work the magistrate is the minister of God, v. 4.
- Oldest by far was Judge Dee, the Chinese magistrate from the 600s, who appeared in print for the first time in 1952.
- Ironically, the district attorney could have kept charges in magistrate court pending while they went to grand jury.
- To say the _magistrate_ has this right, is using an inadequate word: it is the _society_ for which the magistrate is agent.
- If a magistrate believes that the Constitution requires a limit on the warrant, then the magistrate is bound by oath to impose it.
- "Generally, in Commonwealth countries, of which we are a member state, the term magistrate is used to refer only to lay judicial officers.
- Some critics denounced the idea of calling magistrates regional or district court judges, but in most Commonwealth countries the term magistrate referred to a lay judicial official.
- Yes, the indicting magistrate is on the left, but according to the Economist the complainants are members of far right organizations with a vested interest in avoiding digging into the past (figuratively and literally).
- Martinned: Yes, the indicting magistrate is on the left, but according to the Economist the complainants are members of far right organizations with a vested interest in avoiding digging into the past (figuratively and literally).
- The administration of public justice by the magistrate is an ordinance of God; in it the scales are held, and ought to be held by a steady and impartial hand; and we ought to submit to it, for the Lord's sake, and to see his authority in that of the magistrate, Rom. xiii.