
IPA: mˈædʒɪstrʌtʃɝ


  • Magistracy.

Examples of "magistrature" in Sentences

  • The magistrature is an institution of prime importance for us.
  • Certainly it exposes the abuses of the French magistrature, but at what cost of fundamental truth!
  • Until 1818 they had owned all but seventeen houses of the inner town; they had their own magistrature.
  • For the moment, SOQUIJ has the support of the Bar of Quebec, the magistrature, the Chamber of notaries, and also from MALL.
  • The retired registrar, the pensioned usher aspiring late in life to some petty magistrature, are powerless to touch his heart.
  • Wednesday, taking tight control of almost all institutions in the former Zaire, apart from the magistrature, left "independent".
  • ” Gringoire went on—we know that he had no great love for the magistrature, owing, may-be, to the grudge he bore against the Palais de Justice ever since his dramatic misadventure.
  • And do not they then that stand so well affected towards applause and fame themselves own they cast away very extraordinary pleasures, when they decline, magistrature, public offices, and the favor and confidences of princes, from whom
  • The "Substitut" always preserved a rather deferential attitude before the President and M. Ducros, for they belonged to the magistrature assise, whilst he merely formed part of the magistrature debout The French word magistrat is not the equivalent of our magistrate, the French term for which is "Juge de Paix."

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