IPA: mægnˈænʌmʌs
- Noble and generous in spirit.
Examples of "magnanimous" in Sentences
- He is, in short, magnanimous (for instance, he forgives his enemies their offences).
- Would our city leaders be this magnanimous were the victims black and the attackers white?
- PBS and NPR receive buckets of dough from big advertisers, who these days are known as magnanimous "sponsors."
- Their answer is for a platonic oligarchy of a rich class which in magnanimous good will is supposed to provide "jobs" for the middle class.
- Mighty of heart, mighty of mind -- "magnanimous" -- to be this, is, indeed, to be great in life; to become this increasingly, is, indeed, to "advance in life," -- in life itself -- not in the trappings of it.
- Dr. Weizman, in magnanimous terms, said, "I want nothing for myself, but the Jews are interested in re-establishing in Palestine a cultural home, a religious home, and we would be glad to have the support of the Allies, particularly the British, in our ambition."
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