
IPA: mˈægnɪtaɪzd


  • That has been made magnetic.

Examples of "magnetized" in Sentences

  • Jordan was also "magnetized" to the ball - had a nose for where the play would go.
  • I would especially like to thank Mike W. for going to all of the trouble to glue a few extra planes together, and to get them painted, and "magnetized" in short order.
  • And for this reason they should be particularly on guard against allowing themselves to be "magnetized" or influenced psychically by persons of whom they know nothing.
  • As Burleigh and Ewing "magnetized" portions of their subject's brain -- each area corresponding to a different "phrenological organ," -- she described her responses to the crowd.
  • In 1949, Gian Carlo Wick, with whom I had done some work on the scattering of polarized neutrons in magnetized iron while still a graduate student at Chicago University, invited me to be his assistant at the University of California in Berkeley.
  • Transmission of these higher and finer forces, whether directly, telepathically or by means of some physical agent, such as magnetized water, a charm or simile, etc., is the modus operandi in all the different forms of ancient and modern magic, white or black.

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