
IPA: mˈeɪz


  • Corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays.
  • A surname.
  • A female given name.
  • A male given name.

Examples of "maize" in Sentences

  • The maize is thought of as having a nature or "essence" of its own, like that of a human being.
  • Kristof complains that maize is not well suited to Malawi because it is susceptible to pests and disease.
  • Of the birds, there is a kind like starlings, which we call maize thieves, because they do so much damage to the maize.
  • The mills are all controlled by the Government and all flour is now war grade, which means it is made of about 70 per cent white flour and other grains, rye, corn (which we call maize), barley, rice-flour, etc., are added.
  • The vine and the olive, and the orange flourish, they say, out there; and that corn which they call maize, with its golden head, so rich and prolific; and there are deer in the woods, and quail innumerable, and fish in the rivers and in the sea which washes its coasts.
  • To one side is revealed an immense spread of water with its islands and rock-covered shores, white villages, fishermen's huts, the prison building, haciendas, fertile shores covered in maize and chickpea fields, large herds of cattle grazing on the plains, streams shaded by willows and Cinerarias and the snow-capped summit of Colima volcano, which stands out from the mountain range to the SSW.

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synonyms for maizedescribing words for maize

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