IPA: mʌdʒˈɔrʌti
- More than half (50%) of some group.
- The difference between the winning vote and the rest of the votes.
- (dated) Legal adulthood, age of majority.
- (UK) The office held by a member of the armed forces in the rank of major.
- Ancestors; ancestry.
Examples of "majority" in Sentences
- The current system stinks and the voice of the majority is again ignored.
- The term majority of our cash, we probably should have said almost all of our cash.
- Obama the majority is against you gay rights movement, QUIT trying to change the world.
- To imply the majority is against health care reform generally is a PR tactic and disingenious.
- Umm, just make that every country in human history other than the U.S., the land where the majority is always right.
- Thus, a majority is all the Constitution requires to make rules, to set precedents, and to operate no a day-to-day basis.
- The control by the majority is the principle on which our government should rest, but upon which it does not, at present.
- "The proletarian movement is the _self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority in the interests of the immense majority_."
- If he feels the majority is agsainst this and it may cost him his job, then the reason he will loose his job is because he didn't do his job!
- Sen. Pedro Espada Jr. has returned to the fold, giving the Democrats a 32-30 majority in the state Sen.te-again-and taking the title majority leader.