IPA: mˈæɫʌbzˈɔrpʃʌn
- The state arising from abnormality in digestion or absorption of food nutrients across the gastrointestinal tract.
Examples of "malabsorption" in Sentences
- Pancreatic insufficiency is one cause of fat malabsorption.
- "malabsorption" syndrome, when there is enzyme deficiency and foods pass through the GI tract unabsorbed as diarrhea.
- Now medical professionals are beginning to realize that the pancreas may also be playing a role in fat malabsorption in AGS.
- The GI tract is pretty good at absorbing all the food that travels along it unless there is some kind of malabsorption syndrome going on.
- Unfortunately, this test cannot distinguish between fat malabsorption due to liver disease and fat malabsorption due to pancreatic diseases.
- Lactose malabsorption occurs when lactose is incompletely broken down in the intestine, which may or may not result in gastrointestinal symptoms after eating dairy products.
- From the caller, Matt understood that little Jessica Katz had a disease called malabsorption syndrome, which is a fatal disease involving the inability to digest and absorb food.
- Possible causes include insufficient calorie intake, fat malabsorption (decreased ability to absorb fat) due to liver or pancreatic disease, congenital (present at birth) defects (such as heart disease) and the defect in the Jagged1 gene.
- Surgery is performed to restrict the volume of food which can be eaten, as in the case of procedures such as Gastric banding (the Lap-Band) or Sleeve Gastrectomy (the "Gastric Sleeve") or to both restrict intake and limit the ability to absorb nutrients by surgically shortening the small intestine (a technique called "malabsorption") which is the purpose of the various Gastric Bypass procedures.