IPA: mæɫnˈɝɪʃt
- suffering from malnutrition
Examples of "malnourished" in Sentences
- They found 253 who they classified as severely malnourished, meaning they will die without immediate intervention.
- They found 253 that they have classified as severely malnourished, meaning that they will die without immediate intervention.
- A World Health Organisation fact sheet states that individuals with lower immunity, such as malnourished children or people living with
- A 2004 government order requires a local government to immediately release 1,000 rupees to families of children identified as malnourished.
- Many of the animals are described as malnourished, with a majority said to score 1 or 2 on the 10-point Henneke body condition scoring system.
- Many of the animals were described as malnourished, with a majority said to score 1 or 2 on the 10-point Henneke body condition scoring system.
- Since the child weighed only 3 1/2 pounds when he died, the notion that the parents couldn't realize he was seriously malnourished is ludicrous.
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