IPA: mæɫprˈæktʌs
- The improper treatment of a patient by a physician that results in injury or loss.
- Improper or unethical conduct by a professional or official person.
Examples of "malpractice" in Sentences
- Cap the amount people can sue for in malpractice suits.
- How much does the average doctor pay a year in malpractice insurance?
- Medical malpractice is kept somewhat in check by the risk of lawsuits.
- Lastly, I’m not sure what changes you are imagining by the term malpractice reform.
- For more than 20 years, trial lawyer Rick Boothman defended doctors and hospitals in malpractice lawsuits.
- Grassley also called for reducing health-care costs through better management of chronic conditions and capping the damages in malpractice lawsuits.
- He claimed that you did not mention malpractice insurance on camera, but I am glad you mentioned that the issue of malpractice is covered in your book.
- Defensive medicine is just one of the supposed systemic ills that doctors, doctors 'lobbies and doctors' insurers invoke when they shill for what they call malpractice reform.
- At the PP meeting held this afternoon, the UML decried what it called the malpractice of trying to send the nation back to the old constitution and also the talks on drafting the constitution from the streets.