IPA: mˈæmʌθ
- Any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus, of large, usually hairy, elephant-like mammals with long curved tusks and an inclined back, which became extinct with the last retreat of ice age glaciers during the late Pleistocene period, and are known from fossils, frozen carcasses, and Paleolithic cave paintings found in North America and Eurasia.
- (obsolete) A mastodon.
- (figuratively) Something very large of its kind.
- Comparable to a mammoth in its size; very large, huge, gigantic.
Examples of "mammoth" in Sentences
- We hunted large game; a mammoth is a risky proposition.
- He was the KEWLEST. also: the word mammoth always makes me snicker.
- The woolly mammoth is the ideal choice for the “new” republican party.
- All that stands between the world and a living, breathing wooly mammoth is $10M.
- And suddenly the term mammoth, no longer just referring to an animal, meant anything big.
- Link many people assume the hairy mammoth is extinct, but there could be one out behind your garage.
- "We have the oldest model that he has in his collection, a woolly mammoth from the '40s, when he was just doing it in a shop in his garage," she says.
- The name mammoth, which is probably of Tartar origin, Witsen appears to wish to derive from Behemoth, spoken of in the fortieth chapter of the Book of Job.
- They were his picture books, and he could take one in hand, perhaps a sketch of the great hairy elephant which we call the mammoth, and show it around the circle and then tell the story of that hunt.