
IPA: mˈæn


  • An adult male human.
  • (collective) All human males collectively: mankind.
  • A human, a person regardless of gender or sex, usually an adult. (See usage notes.)
  • (collective) All humans collectively: mankind, humankind, humanity. (Sometimes capitalized as Man.)
  • (anthropology, archaeology, paleontology) A member of the genus Homo, especially of the species Homo sapiens.
  • A male person, usually an adult; a (generally adult male) sentient being, whether human, supernatural, elf, alien, etc.
  • An adult male who has, to an eminent degree, qualities considered masculine, such as strength, integrity, and devotion to family; a mensch.
  • (uncountable, obsolete, uncommon) Manliness; the quality or state of being manly.
  • A husband.
  • A male lover; a boyfriend.
  • A male enthusiast or devotee; a male who is very fond of or devoted to a specified kind of thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)
  • A person, usually male, who has duties or skills associated with a specified thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)
  • A person, usually male, who can fulfill one's requirements with regard to a specified matter.
  • A male who belongs to a particular group: an employee, a student or alumnus, a representative, etc.
  • An adult male servant.
  • (historical) A vassal; a subject.
  • A piece or token used in board games such as backgammon.
  • A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste.
  • A friendly term of address usually reserved for other adult males.
  • (sports) A player on whom another is playing, with the intent of limiting their attacking impact.
  • (computing) A command used to display help pages in Unix and Unix-like operating systems.
  • The genus Homo.
  • (poetic) Humankind in general.
  • The Isle of Man; an island and crown dependency of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea.
  • A surname from Chinese.
  • Abbreviation of Manitoba. [A province in Western Canada.]
  • Abbreviation of Manchester (especially in football) [A major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England.]
  • (computing) Initialism of Metropolitan Area Network (a large computer network usually spanning a city)


  • (transitive) To supply (something) with staff or crew (of either sex).
  • (transitive) To take up position in order to operate (something).
  • (reflexive, possibly dated) To brace (oneself), to fortify or steel (oneself) in a manly way. (Compare man up.)
  • (transitive, obsolete) To wait on, attend to or escort.
  • (transitive, obsolete, chiefly falconry) To accustom (a raptor or other type of bird) to the presence of people.


  • Only used in man enough

Examples of "man" in Sentences

  • The man was a estimable person.
  • The people chided the young man.
  • The man was an abstemious person.
  • The man ennobled innocent people.
  • The man's acuity surprised people.
  • The man alloted the funds to the people.
  • The man swaggers in front of the people.
  • Silhouette of person on the left is a man.
  • The man was supposed to demobilize the people.
  • The person was emasculated by the man in black.
  • I have more sympathy with Dante the man than Goethe the man…
  • The owner of the Peony had that to his credit at least—no pilferage: an anxious man, a worried man—
  • ˜Every man or (a) donkey runs™, that is to say, whether only the term ˜man™ or the whole subject is distributed.
  • "But ... after you've been up against a proposition like that, and come through, it certainly makes a man feel like a _man_!"
  • Kretzmann and Stump, p. For example, ˜man™ immediately signifies the concept man, but by mediation of the concept it signifies the second substance or form of man.
  • In the sentence, "The man is happy; _he_ is benevolent; _he_ is useful;" you perceive, that the word _he_ is used instead of the noun _man; _ consequently _he_ must be a _pronoun_.
  • You observe, too, that, by making use of the pronoun _he_ in this sentence, we avoid the _repetition_ of the _noun_ man, for without the pronoun, the sentence would be rendered thus, "The man is happy; _the man_ is benevolent; _the man_ is useful."
  • In the expressions, The man walks -- The boy plays -- Thunders roll --- Warriors fight -- you perceive that the words _walks, plays, roll_, and _fight_, are _active verbs; _ and you cannot be at a loss to know, that the nouns _man, boy, thunders_, and
  • This vision of man, the master of his own destinies, the searcher for truth and the shaper of a better life for the only existence that he knows anything about, this reliance of _man upon man_, and without the supposed interference of any god, constitutes atheism in its broadest and true sense.
  • If we may safely apply Trotter's generalization to the present antagonism among groups (within nations, and also national groups) we might say that the rapid differentiation of the human species has had an effect of creating within the species _man_ a large number of types of sub-specific value, and in this respect man differs greatly from any other species.

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