IPA: mˈænɪdʒʌbʌɫ
- Capable of being managed or controlled.
- Capable of being done or fulfilled; achievable.
Examples of "manageable" in Sentences
- The governor projected a budget deficit next year of about $2 billion, a gap he described as "manageable."
- Set a schedule for yourself; novels are big and you should try to break the work down in manageable chunks.
- Although the flooding looks manageable from the previous videos, keep in mind it was a light rain which caused these arroyos.
- What might not be so manageable is driving in Guadalajara itself, especially while searching for hotels, and sites of interests.
- As for the surroundings, consider buying a driving guide (Cook's has a good one) for the area -- these guides link up several areas of interest, in manageable pieces, in a drive order that minimizes backtracking.
- In order to break this overly complicated and complex issue down in manageable topics to discuss, we decided to focus on three elements of gadget sustainability: Materials and Life-Cycle, Energy, and Social Sustainability.
- I found an application for GTD that provides a simple click on a star next to the task makes it appear in your next actions list, and I wholeheartedly agree with the author that keeping this list manageable is the key to GTD.
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