IPA: mˈænʌdʒmʌnt
- (uncountable) Administration; the use of limited resources combined with forecasting, planning, leadership and execution skills to achieve predetermined specific goals.
- The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives.
- (uncountable) Judicious use of means to accomplish an end.
Examples of "management" in Sentences
- The terms management chain puts two nouns next to each other, why not use the term management?
- It is important to make some clear distinction on what is meant by management in community management.
- I call that great service and it was fantastic food, but obviously, the train management is not entitled to take any bows.
- While the term management is a useful one and is used in this section title, perhaps an even more appropriate term is navigation.
- By associating planning with free will, it becomes synonymous again with popular uses of the word management and so loses distinctive meaning.
- CB Richard Ellis Investors is a global real estate investment management firm with approximately $43.7 billion in assets under management* as of June 30, 2008.