IPA: mænˈeɪ
- Édouard Manet, French painter.
- (theater) Used in stage directions; literally, he, she or it remains. Compare exit, exeunt.
Examples of "manet" in Sentences
- [2005] Hoc quoque te manet ut pueros elementa docentem
- Et mundus transit, et concupiscentia eius; qui autem facit voluntatem Dei, manet in aeternum.
- Quam mulcent aurae, firmat sol, educat imber, &c. Sic virgo dum intacta manet, dum chara suis, sed
- In fact, the dirty little secret of the internet is "Littera scripta manet" -- the written word survives.
- Sit Trinitati sempiterna gloria, honor, potestas atque iubilatio, in unitate, cui manet imperium ex tunc et modo per æterna sæcula.
- Mens immota manet, though the body be torn in pieces with wild horses, broken on the wheel, pinched with fiery tongs, the soul cannot be distracted.
- The speech that suggested itself was said to be that which the Phantom of Cleonice dinned into the ears of the tyrant who murdered her: — “Tu cole justitiam; toque atque alios manet ultor.”
- Non est amor desiderium aut appetitus ut ab omnibus hactenus traditim; nam cum potimur amata re, non manet appetitus; est igitur affectus quo cum re amata aut unimur, aut unionem perpetuamus.
- Nos interim quod, attinet (nec enim immunes ab hac noxa sumus) idem realus manet, idem nobis, et si non multo gravius, crimen objici potest: nostra enim culpa sit, nostra incuria, nostra avaritia, quod tam frequentes, foedaeque fiant in