IPA: mˈeɪndʒɝ
- A trough in a stable or barn for animals to eat from.
- A surname.
Examples of "manger" in Sentences
- The manger is a roasting pan, with a green dinosaur inside.
- Passpack: online password manger with secure sharing (WebWorkerDaily)
- The maxim, "_Il faut manger pour vivre, et non pas vivre pour manger_," was reversed.
- The jesus in the manger is a dirty old baby doll with a rubbery face and an open mouth that shouts out "FEED ME."
- In England these days, Three Wise Men become Three Wise Women, and on occasion, Baby Jesus in the manger is a girl.
- Replacing the word "manger" with "feeding trough", its equivalent, gives the account an even more heartrending effect; "manger" is poetic, while
- One "star" that might have appeared first in the east and then stopped above the manger is a comet, says British researcher Colin Humphreys in a recent paper in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.