IPA: mˈænoʊmitɝ
- An instrument to measure pressure in a fluid, especially a double-legged liquid column gauge used to measure the difference in the pressures of two fluids.
Examples of "manometer" in Sentences
- 'manometer' is generally known as a pressure gauge.
- The ‘manometer’ is generally known as a pressure gauge. —
- The log indicated moderate speed, the manometer a depth of about sixty feet.
- Finally, the tubes in part F contained a manometer to regulate the rate of air flow.
- [1] In M. Verne's book a 'manometer' is the instrument used, of which very little is known.
- I looked at the manometer; it showed a depth of sixty feet, to which atmospheric heat could never attain.
- Soon the Nautilus returned to her native element, and the manometer showed that she was about thirty feet deep.
- And there's also some context so you can understand the words better: "Tasha carefully monitored the aneroid manometer," if that one helps you out.
- He also developed numerous other instruments, including the manometer, cyanometer, diaphonometer, anemometer and mountain eudiometer, the first electrometer (1766), a device for measuring electric potential by means of attraction or repulsion of charged bodies, and the first hygrometer, utilizing a human hair to measure humidity (1783).