IPA: mænjʌfˈæktʃɝɪŋ
- The transformation of raw materials into finished products, usually on a large scale.
- The industry in which such products are made.
- Used in manufacturing.
Examples of "manufacturing" in Sentences
- Forty per cent of the production in manufacturing is exported.
- | Reply one of the tried and true ways to boost the economy, increase employment, and maintain manufacturing is government spending.
- He mentioned that one of the tried and true ways to boost the economy, increase employment, and maintain manufacturing is government spending.
- During the label manufacturing process, invisible inks are applied in up to three designated zones, customised to the end-user's needs and label format.
- During the label manufacturing process, invisible color inks are applied in up to four designated zones customized to the end-user's needs and label format.
- New unemployment claims (inverted) * were the only negative contributor in September, while the ratio of the deflator of manufacturing value added to unit labor cost for manufacturing* remained unchanged.
- LAWRENCE: The head of a California watch dog group says the military shouldn't spend taxpayer money on what it calls a manufacturing issue and asks, "If someone saw a random crop formation in that shape, would they demand the former change it?"
- The positive contributors to the index -- in order from the largest positive contributor to the smallest -- are the yield spread, the stock price index, production expectations, industrial new orders, building permits (residential) * and the ratio of the deflator of manufacturing value added to unit labor cost for manufacturing*.