IPA: mɑrgɝˈitʌ
- A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavoured liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.
- A female given name from Ancient Greek.
Examples of "margarita" in Sentences
- However, you should definitely get at least one $18 margarita from the bar.
- An excellent margarita is incredibly easy, but it does require good ingredients.
- Leonard sat in the cocktail lounge of the hotel sipping a margarita from a chilled glass.
- For seasonal libations, try a pumpkin margarita at Cecconi's or a pumpkin rum cocktail at Hatfield's.
- The margarita was a drink Ann generally despised — she did not have a happy history with tequila (tonight would not improve that record).
- Since the principal flavor of the margarita is the tequila, it's important to make sure you've got the best stuff you can get your hands on, so look for the "100% de agave" legend on the label of your bottle.
- You CANNOT go to Fiesta Del Mar and not order a "margarita", unless you'd prefer their "tequilla"; we had the Blue Dessert and the El Boxeador, but I also had the Virgin Pina Colada, which I think was the best I've tasted in some time now!