
IPA: mˈɛrid


  • A married person.


  • In a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband.
  • (figuratively) Showing commitment or devotion normally reserved for a spouse.

Examples of "married" in Sentences

  • And if they decide that they love each other and want to get married, _they will get married_.
  • _Pretty well married_, you know, implies 2000_l. _ a-year; and very well married, nothing under
  • If it had not been for my pride and my folly, we should have been married by now -- _married_, Myra -- and far away.
  • Mrs. Otway was coming back late to-night, and was to be married -- _married_, to-morrow morning in the Cathedral, to Major
  • No, I am not the adopted son of lesbians, I have a biological mother who was married to my father, and I have a step-mother who was also married* to my father.
  • CONNOTATIVE words, those that suggest more than they say, have more power than ordinary words -- "She _let_ herself be married" expresses more than "She _married_."
  • As soon as have married a girl whom I had thought liable to be persuaded to drink, habitually, '_only_ a glass or two of wine at dinner, or so;' as soon as have _married_ such a girl, I would have taken a strumpet from the streets.
  • Allowing the name to have been De Benyon, you discover that one brother is not married, and that there are some papers belonging to him in the possession of an old woman who dies; and upon these slight grounds what would you attempt to establish that because that person was known not to have married, therefore _he was married_ (for you are stated to have been born in wedlock); and because there is a packet of papers belonging to him in the possession of another party, that this packet of papers _must refer_ to you.
  • Allowing the name to have been De Benyon, you discover that one brother is not married, and that there are some papers belonging to him in the possession of an old woman who dies; and upon these slight grounds what would you attempt to establish? that because that person was known not to have married, therefore _he was married_ (for you are stated to have been born in wedlock): and because there is a packet of papers belonging to him in the possession of another party, that this packet of papers _must refer_ to you.

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