
IPA: mˈæsɪvɫi


  • In a massive manner, in a way that appears large, heavy or imposing.
  • (slang) Greatly.

Examples of "massively" in Sentences

  • It's what they call a massively single-player game.
  • She has raised awareness for gay rights in surfing, which she described as "massively homophobic."
  • MESERVE: Business Travel Coalition says it was stunned to learn of what it calls a massively intrusive program.
  • MESERVE: Business travel coalitions says it was stunned to learn of what it calls a massively intrusive program.
  • ASP International, via Associated Press ASP International, via Associated Press Schumacher has raised awareness for gay rights in surfing, which she described as "massively homophobic."
  • The Swiss National Bank has battled to lower what it describes as a "massively overvalued" franc in recent weeks, flooding the Swiss franc market with liquidity and cutting interest rates to zero.
  • It said it would not tolerate the effective tightening of monetary conditions imposed by what it called a "massively overvalued" franc which was threatening economic growth and increasing downside risks to price stability.
  • Currencies: Euro boosted as SNB reins in Swiss franc The euro rose on the Swiss franc and other rivals as Switzerland's central bank announces steps to halt gains in what it called a "massively overvalued" currency, while investors keep an eye out for signs that would mean Japanese authorities taking action to rein in a strong yen.
  • According to Wright same article it's both: "...this really is a hybrid, it's what we call a massively single-player game, where we try to get the benefits of an online game, which is all the people building the world collectively together, without the liabilities, which is that the 14-year-old can kill you or that you've invested all this time in your planet and somebody comes along and blows it up..."

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