
IPA: mˈæst


  • (nautical, communication, aviation) A tall, slim post or tower, usually tapering upward, used to support, for example, sails or observation platforms on a ship, the main rotor of a helicopter, flags, floodlights, meteorological instruments, or communications equipment, such as an aerial, usually supported by guy-wires (except in the case of a helicopter).
  • (naval) A non-judicial punishment ("NJP"); a disciplinary hearing under which a commanding officer studies and disposes of cases involving those under his command.
  • The fruit of forest-trees (beech, oak, chestnut, pecan, etc.), especially if having fallen from the tree, used as fodder for pigs and other animals.
  • (bodybuilding slang) The anabolic steroid Drostanolone propionate, also known as Masteron
  • (obsolete, billiards) A type of heavy cue, with the broad end of which one strikes the ball.
  • A surname.
  • (emergency medicine, military) Initialism of military antishock trousers; inflatable trousers that apply pressure to the inferior half of a patient's body to decrease blood loss and prevent the onset of shock, similar to a tourniquet.


  • To supply and fit a mast to (a ship).
  • (of swine and other animals) To feed on forest seed or fruit.
  • (agriculture, forestry, ecology, of a population of plants) To produce a very large quantity of fruit or seed in certain years but not others.

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