
IPA: mætrʌmˈoʊniʌɫ


  • (chiefly India) A classified advertisement describing an individual who wishes to find a marriage partner.


  • Of, or having to do with matrimony and marriage.

Examples of "matrimonial" in Sentences

  • In these countries, the prenup is called a matrimonial regime.
  • Sarah and Jareth engaged in matrimonial bliss and happiness ruled their home.
  • Let's call it matrimonial overdetermination (or, on the other hand, let's not).
  • The circles of fashion afforded more than one instance of this obliging acquiescence in matrimonial turpitude.
  • This was the only home the family had lived in and the place that the deceased called her matrimonial home in the 1930s.
  • But even the family of Proba herself was not exempt from the rapacious oppression of Count Heraclian, who basely sold, in matrimonial prostitution, the noblest maidens of Rome to the lust or avarice of the Syrian merchants.
  • In this case, it seems that the court went directly to the mother as the parent most likely to be able to enforce the court's judgment. 114 Furthermore, in matrimonial matters, the courts did not always uphold the rights of fathers as legal guardians of children.
  • And when he said this, it seemed as if the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Skratdj rose higher in matrimonial repartee, and the children's squabbles became louder, and the dog yelped as if he were mad, and the maids 'contest was sharper; whilst the snap-dragon flames leaped up and up, and blue fire flew about the room like foam.
  • WAS Mr. Jellyby; and a loquacious young man called Mr. Quale, with large shining knobs for temples and his hair all brushed to the back of his head, who came in the evening, and told Ada he was a philanthropist, also informed her that he called the matrimonial alliance of Mrs. Jellyby with Mr. Jellyby the union of mind and matter.
  • [Page 148] in matrimonial cases belongs to the Ecclesiastical Courts; under which last canon will come Lords Cranworth and Campbell, and all the Peers and Commons voting with them for reform in the piecemeal law of England; – of that country which publishes a Liturgy for its Established Church, containing a Roman Catholic ceremony for marriage; overrules the vows of that ceremony by Acts of Parliament; evades them by the Marriage Registration Act; solemnly quotes them, as an argument for keeping women to the indissoluble bond; and sets them at defiance (as a form involving no legal obligation), when the indissoluble bond is to be broken for men!

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