IPA: mæksˈɪɫʌ
- (anatomy, zootomy) Synonym of jaw.
- An upper jaw especially of humans and other mammals in which the bony elements are closely fused.
- (anatomy) Either of the two bones that lie with one on each side of the upper jaw lateral to the premaxilla and that in higher vertebrates bear most of the teeth.
- (zootomy) One of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to the mandibles in many arthropods that are used for tasting and manipulating food.
Examples of "maxilla" in Sentences
- The maxilla is the upper jaw bone that plays a crucial role in chewing and speaking
- A fractured maxilla can cause difficulty in eating and facial pain
- The maxilla contains the sockets for the upper teeth
- The maxilla also forms the anterior portion of the hard palate
- In some species, such as sharks, the maxilla is a movable bone that aids in capturing and holding prey