
IPA: mˈitɪs


  • (anatomy) A tubular opening or passage leading to the interior of the body.
  • (anatomy) Ellipsis of acoustic meatus, the passage leading into the ear. [(anatomy) An internal auditory meatus.]

Examples of "meatus" in Sentences

  • Nullus est meatus ad quem non pateat aditus impudicitiae.
  • The flap called the tragus protects of the auditory meatus, or earhole.
  • The meatus is the narrowest part of it, and the prostatic part is the widest.
  • The meatus is the opening of the urethra in the top thing on the end, the glans penis.
  • When otolaryngologists "irrigate the sinuses" it is done by performing a needle puncture into the sinus, or sometimes when possible by cannulating the middle meatus.
  • Hypospadias: Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the penis in which the urinary tract opening, or urethral meatus, is abnormally located away from the tip of the penis.
  • The 'meatus' contains three distinct channels; and the air, loitering, as it were, in it, and being longer in contact with the sensitive membrane by which it is lined, contributes to the acuter sense of smell.

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