IPA: mʌkˈænɪkʌɫ
- (advertising) Manually created layout of artwork that is camera ready for photographic reproduction.
- One who does manual labor, especially one who is similar to Shakespeare's rude mechanicals
- (science fiction) A robot or mechanical creature.
- (engineering) A mechanical engineer.
- (cycling) An instance of equipment failure.
- (music) A stop on an organ that is operated by a hand or foot control rather than having to be manually set up in advance.
- (archaic) A machine that performs a job typically accomplished using an animal or manual labor.
- (now rare) Characteristic of someone who does manual labour for a living; coarse, vulgar.
- Related to mechanics (the branch of physics that deals with forces acting on mass).
- Related to mechanics (the design and construction of machines).
- Done by machine.
- Using mechanics (the design and construction of machines): being a machine.
- As if performed by a machine: lifeless or mindless.
- (of a person) Acting as if one were a machine: lifeless or mindless.
- (informal) Handy with machines.
Examples of "mechanical" in Sentences
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