
IPA: mʌkˈænɪks


  • (physics) The branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on material objects with mass
  • The design and construction of machines.
  • (writing) Spelling and punctuation.
  • Operation in general; workings.

Examples of "mechanics" in Sentences

  • The other talk dealing with what I term the mechanics and risks.
  • I don't see any problem with it: quantum mechanics is statistical.
  • Imaginary time in quantum statistical mechanics is a similar computational trick.
  • I know hardly anything about climate models: anything involving fluid mechanics is pretty much a closed book to me.
  • So I knew the Tab A Slot B mechanics from a very early age, and how women got pregnant, and the anatomical specifics of birth, etc.
  • The EPR paradox, an attempt to show that quantum mechanics is internally inconsistent, was an outgrowth of that metaphysical skepticism.
  • Instructing them in the game mechanics is tricky and it often feels like what should be a creative restraint is more of a brick wall than it should be.
  • The term mechanics generally refers to the motion of large objects, whereas the study of motion at the level of the atom or smaller is the domain of quantum mechanics.
  • Having made a fortunate and happy marriage, Saint-Simon was almost constantly at Versailles until the death of the King, and obtained the most intimate acquaintance with what he terms the mechanics of the court.
  • Police have confirmed that 19 of the abducted men were mechanics from the western city of Morelia and apparently had been vacationing together in the Pacific resort city, said Jesus Montejano, the state attorney general of Michoacan state, were Morelia is located.

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