
IPA: mˈidiʌɫ


  • Any of various things that occur in the middle.
  • One or more letters that occur in the middle of a word.


  • (mathematics) Of or pertaining to a mean or average.
  • Situated in or near the middle; not at either end.
  • (anatomy, zootomy) Pertaining to the inside; closer to the median plane of the body or the midline of an organ.
  • (anatomy) Pertaining to the middle layer of a blood vessel, to its tunica media.
  • (entomology) Of or pertaining to the media and/or the areas of the wing next to it.
  • (phonetics) (of a speech sound) In the middle of a word.
  • (phonetics) (of a consonant) Central: produced when air flows across the center of the mouth over the tongue.
  • (linguistics) Closer to the addressee.

Examples of "medial" in Sentences

  • The 33-year-old centre has been troubled most recently by hamstring problems, adding to a long term medial knee ligament injury.
  • But the partially complete Ardi skeleton has generated the most discussion, especially over a bone from the base of her big toe called the medial cuneiform.
  • A region in the very center of the thalamus called the medial nuclei also makes the sort of distinction that is interpreted by us as "pleasant" or "unpleasant."
  • I have seen the archaic patterns of concentric circles and fish spines, (or whatever we call the medial line with slanting side lines,) neatly designed in white on the flag stones in front of cottage doors in Galloway.
  • "Shopping, orgasm, learning, highly calorific foods, gambling, prayer," he says, "they all evoke neural signals that converge on a small group of interconnected brain areas called the medial forebrain pleasure circuit."
  • Basically, if you have the data to show that this person or these people got sick because of this exposure the the spiller is actually required to do this long term medial surveillance and help the people, pay for the people to get better.
  • The key areas of the brain identified -- one called the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and another called the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) -- are the subject of debate among neuroscientists, but the PCC is thought by many to have a role in consciousness and self-identity.
  • On the medial side of the foot from behind forward may be felt the _medial process (internal tuberosity) _ of the calcaneus; the _sustentaculum tali_, which lies about 1 inch vertically below the tip of the malleolus; the _tubercle of the navicular_, about 1 inch in front of the malleolus, and at a slightly lower level; the _first (internal) cuneiform_, and the base, shaft, and head of the _first metatarsal_.

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