IPA: mˈɛdʌkʌɫ
- (informal) A medical examination.
- (archaic) A medical practitioner.
- Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine.
- Intended to have a therapeutic effect; medicinal.
- Requiring medical treatment.
- Pertaining to the state of one's health.
- Pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means.
- Pertaining to medication specifically (that is, pharmacotherapy), rather than to other aspects of medicine and surgery.
Examples of "medical" in Sentences
- I personally try to force myself to use the term medical liability insurance rather than medical malpractice insurance.
- Thirty years ago the phrase "medical marijuana" didn't exist and as I mentioned before, the thought of legalization in the U.S. was a pipe dream no pun intended.
- The term "medical home" is misleading, as it refers not to a place but a practice—one in which doctors coordinate primary care for patients with chronic conditions like diabetes.
- : The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February, 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.