IPA: mˈɛdʌkɫi
- For medical purposes.
- In a medical manner or context.
Examples of "medically" in Sentences
- The violence level, medically, is far less than even an appendectomy.
- I've got what they call medically, according to the docs, aTraumatic Brain Injury.
- I've got what they call medically, according to the docs, a Traumatic Brain Injury.
- But how bad it makes us feel (that formula is harmful in medically objective ways) is not the fault of the people who write about it.
- Late term medically is a little fuzzier ... but 24 weeks is the end of the second term ... so they basically are the same definition.
- The patients on our unit must be walkie-talkies, and the hospital that I was dealing with has some odd ideas about the term medically stable.
- And in the process of trying to get a cast that reflected the demographic of stroke, rather than a politically correct cast I had what I called the medically correct cast.
- We dispatched pilots last Friday trying to get 80 what we call medically-challenged people out of Baton Rouge at the request of the River Center shelter, and ran into a situation where we arrived and there were no patients.
- So the question also is that is Macain medically certified to go throught the rigours of the presidential office given his medical records, I think clearance has to be sought from medical experts especially for them to comfirm that his battle with the cancer has been won totally.
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