
IPA: mˈidiʌm


  • The material of the surrounding environment, e.g. solid, liquid, gas, vacuum, or a specific substance such as a solvent.
  • The materials or empty space through which signals, waves, or forces pass.
  • A format for communicating or presenting information.
  • (microbiology) A nutrient substance, commonly a solution or solid, for the growth of cells in vitro.
  • (biology, horticulture etc.) A substance, structure, or environment in which living organisms subsist, grow or are cultured.
  • A means, channel, agency or go-between through which communication, commerce, etc is conveyed or carried on, or by which an aim is achieved.
  • (engineering) The materials used to finish a workpiece using a mass finishing or abrasive blasting process.
  • (countable, plural mediums or media) A liquid base which carries pigment in paint.
  • (painting) A means of expression, in the arts, such as a material (oil, pastel, clay, etc) or method or style (expressionism, jazz, etc).
  • (countable, logic) The mean or middle term of a syllogism, that by which the extremes are brought into connection.
  • (countable, spiritualism, plural mediums) Someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world.
  • (countable) A middle place or degree.
  • (countable, dated) An average; sometimes the mathematical mean.
  • Anything of a middle rank or position.
  • (uncountable, especially clothing, food or drink) One of several common sizes to which an item may be manufactured.
  • (countable, especially clothing, food or drink) An item labelled or denoted as being that size.
  • (countable, especially with respect to clothing) One who fits an item of that size.
  • (countable, Ireland, dated, informal) A half-pint serving of Guinness (or other stout in some regions).


  • (obsolete) Arithmetically average.
  • Of intermediate size, degree, amount etc.
  • Of meat, cooked to a point greater than rare but less than well done; typically, so the meat is still red in the centre.
  • (especially clothing, food or drink) That is medium (the manufactured size).


  • To a medium extent.

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