
IPA: mɪdˈʌɫʌ


  • The soft inner part of something, especially the pith of a fruit.
  • (anatomy) The inner substance of various organs and structures, especially the marrow of bones.
  • (anatomy, neuroanatomy) The medulla oblongata.
  • (botany) The internal tissue of a plant.

Examples of "medulla" in Sentences

  • The medulla is a canal running through the middle of a strand of some types of hair.
  • The Latin word medulla (marrow) is used in much the same way as “mihi hæres in medullis” (Cicero); (very dear, my best friend, etc.)
  • But looking at some data specifically at the lowest part of the brain stem called the medulla, looking at serotonin activity in that area.
  • These allowed him to make some significant discoveries about a section of the brain known as the medulla just at the top of the spinal cord.
  • If you think of a piece of hair as a pencil, the medulla is the graphite, the cortex is the wood, and the paint on the outside is the cuticle.
  • It's very early, but they're specifically targeting in on the lowest part of the brain stem, known as the medulla (ph), figuring that there might be an abnormality in babies who die of SIDS versus other babies.

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