
IPA: mɛɫʌtˈoʊnɪn


  • A hormone, related to serotonin, that is secreted by the pineal gland, and stimulates colour change in the skin of reptiles, and is involved in the sleep/wake and reproductive cycles in mammals.
  • Any material similar in its chemistry and effect to the natural hormone.

Examples of "melatonin" in Sentences

  • In some parts of Europe, melatonin is available by prescription only.
  • For the record, melatonin is a hormone, and it's not a regulated drug under the FDA.
  • This article on sleep and melatonin is also available at Dr. Breus's official blog, The Insomnia Blog.
  • Now, you probably also know the word melatonin because in supplement form it’s often used as a sleep aid, and for good reason.
  • It's taken from cows once a week at the break of dawn, as they discharge a lot of a stress-relieving hormone called melatonin during the night.
  • The agency found evidence that melatonin is effective in treating people who have delayed sleep syndrome, who chronically tend to fall asleep well after midnight.
  • Many supplement companies and health food stores will claim that melatonin is a natural sleeping aid or nightcap because it "naturally" helps regulate sleep-wake cycles.
  • Doctors also worry that because melatonin is sold as a supplement, its manufacturing is not as stringently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as if it were a prescription drug.

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